
Embark. Engage. Experience.

Leadership training for emerging and mid-level urban maternal child health leaders.

Participants engage in nine months of intensive training on the MCH Leadership Competencies including one onsite meeting and a series of distance-based skills-building opportunities.  They are also matched with a senior urban MCH leader in the field for a mentor/mentee relationship.

Details for submitting an application:

  • Complete all sections of the 2017 CityLeaders Application Packet, and email your application to Stephani Tyrance
  • Application Deadline: All applications must be received by April 21, 2017.
  • CityMatCH will notify applicants of status by May 3, 2017.

Download the 2017 CityMatCH CityLeaders Application

Draft Schedule:
Introduction to CityLeader, 90-minute call – August 15, 2017.
Conference in Nashville, TN.
Pre-conference on-site training – Sept. 18, 2017 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT)
Conference sessions for CityLeaders – Sept. 19-20, 2017
Post-conference on-site training – Sept. 20, 2017 (noon to 2:30 p.m. CT)

For more information, contact:
Stephani Tyrance
Mark Law

Project Status:

Join us for the 2024 CityMatCH Leadership and Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Conference in Seattle, WA.